When the weather is warm and the sun is shining bright, many people decide to take advantage of these beautiful days by going outside. Some believe the best way to celebrate warmer weather is by jumping on a motorcycle and feeling the wind hit their faces as they race down the road ... CONTINUE READING
What Is the Florida Tort Reform?
At the Law Offices of Marc L. Shapiro, we value education and sharing our insights with others. One of the ways we can provide you with the best service is by informing you of any government laws and regulations that could impact you and your claim. Today, we have news that we wanted to share with you ... CONTINUE READING
3 Strategies to Reduce Anxiety
When most people think of anxiety, they likely have negative connotations tied to it. Many make the assumption that anxiety will always lead to panic attacks and fears of major change, but just about anything can generate feelings of anxiety, and not all of them are harmful. However, if your anxiety stops you from doing something, it can hinder you almost every day ... CONTINUE READING