Naples Law Firms for Catastrophic Injury Lawsuits
If you or someone you care for has sustained a catastrophic injury as a result of a no-fault accident, you’ll want to speak with a personal injury attorney as soon as you can.
A catastrophic injury is one that permanently prevents the injured party from enjoying life or performing work tasks in the way they did before the accident. Spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, severe burns, paralysis and accidental amputations are all examples of catastrophic injuries. Although the most common cause of this type of injury is a car or motorcycle accidents, people can sustain catastrophic injuries due to an intentional act of violence, a construction site incident or because of medical malpractice.
These types of injuries can significantly alter the victim’s life and in most cases, the inured party may need multiple surgeries, prolonged physical therapy and lifelong care. They can also impact the victim’s entire family, especially if they are permanently unable to return to work. Depending on the nature of the injury, the victim may no longer be able to help with household chores, care for small children or do many of the things that most people take for granted.
Reasons to speak with an attorney
If you’ve been following our blog, you’ve likely noticed that we frequently remind our readers to not try to settle with the plaintiff’s insurance company on their own. The reasons for this are voluminous. First, the insurance company does not have your best interests in mind- their number one job is to minimize their losses. Second, although a $50, 000 settlement offer can seem like a lot of money, especially if you’re struggling to pay your bills, the victim’s case may be worth a lot more.
For example, if the injured party needs many surgeries, long-term PT or follow up care, or they’ll be unable to return to work for months (or years), $50, 000 is unlikely enough money to cover medical bills, lost wages and other related expenses.
If you’re concerned about the costs associated with hiring an attorney, you should know that most personal injury lawyers accept cases on a contingency basis. What this means, is that you won’t need to pay any legal fees unless you win your case. Hiring a Naples law firm can help give you the peace of mind that comes with knowing you have an advocate who is fighting on your behalf.
If you have questions about how catastrophic injury lawsuits work, call our office today to schedule a free consultation.