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Monthly Archives: June 2024

Winning a personal injury lawsuit

5 Factors That Affect Your Chances of Winning a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Naples, FL

By Marc L. Shapiro, P.A. |

If your personal injury accident has left you with more expenses than your Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance policy limits can cover, you may have grounds to sue the negligent party. But before you proceed with a lawsuit, you’re probably wondering: What are the chances of winning a personal injury lawsuit? Is it worth… Read More »

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Golf carts dangerous

Are Golf Carts Dangerous in Naples, FL? 5 Safety Tips

By Marc L. Shapiro, P.A. |

Naples is a popular golfing destination for residents and tourists alike, and the city’s sprawling courses often require golf carts to travel from hole to hole. But are golf carts dangerous, and should you avoid using them? The answer can go either way.  Anything can be dangerous if you don’t understand how to use… Read More »

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Car accident cause a bulging disc

Can a Car Accident Cause a Bulging Disc? A Guide for Fort Myers Residents

By Marc L. Shapiro, P.A. |

After a car accident, you’ll likely experience some aches and pains, some of which may be more severe than others. But what happens when, months after a car accident, you experience a serious problem like a bulging disc? Knowing whether the disc herniation occurred from a car accident or another cause can be challenging. … Read More »

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The Shapiro Difference

  • Earning Your Trust

    Earning Your Trust. Not all attorneys are created equal. Marc Shapiro is reputable, experienced, trustworthy and is committed to both his clients and employees. We want you to be so satisfied with our law firm that you will tell your friends, family and colleagues that “Marc Shapiro is my attorney.”

  • Communication & Keeping you Informed

    We embrace technology and “simplexity.” Our legal assistants, paralegals, and attorneys will guide you through the process and make sure you are informed. We are available via text, phone and email and will promptly respond to your inquiry within one business day.

  • A Strong Office Culture

    We believe in growing people. The Shapiro team lives by three principles: Integrity, Communication, and Transparency. We mentor and nurture all levels of staff from interns to executives. A happy office means better service and more productivity for you.

  • Employing A+ Employees

    We look for employees with empathy and problem-solving ability. Many of our legal assistants, paralegals, & attorneys are bilingual and some even multilingual. Our staff is diverse and we speak Spanish, French, & Creole. We want to speak your language.

  • Grassroots Initiative & Community Engagement

    If you aren’t giving back then what are you doing? After the birth of Marc’s child, his life was transformed because of his son’s special needs. Marc routinely gives back to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund, volunteers with Autism Speaks and Autism awareness groups and STARability in Naples, Florida.

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